Samurai Mushroom
A fairly stupid yet skilled warrior, whom the comic is about for some reason.
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Master Carrot
Like all good (bad?) villains, he's got big plans and goals... Like stealing Musashi's sake!
He commands the hordes of ninja carrots that appear virtually everywhere.
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Musashi Mushroom
Samurai Mushroom master and sensai. He's a bit of an alcoholic.
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The ninja carrots secret weapon-type thing. She's kind of crazy.
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Camo Carrot
You can't see him. He's invisible... or whatever the sign says.
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A peasant turned samurai somehow.
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Broccoli Clan Damiyo
Leader of the Broccoli Clan of samurai. He's also got big plans.
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Emperor Turnip
The leader of all of the vegetable samurai. He's special.
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