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Aku Kage

    Aku Kage is a frequent vistor to the forums and has been supportive of Samurai Mushroom slmost since the begining.
    He runs his own web comic entitled Diary of Madness. There is some seriously funny stuff in there, as well as his own cool artowrk!

    Angie has been a friend of Heather's since high school. Her L33T Skills lie in webpage design as well as her artwork. Examples of both can eventually be found at
    It must be nice to be a living enigma. =^_^=

    Currently he is out of the picture as multiple bad things happened at once to him... like getting attacked by Ninja's and then tossed into a salad shooter, but there are some rumors floating around that he is still makeing appearances here and there.
    Of all the vegitables, he is the only one to discover the Joy of Dr. Pepper as he somehow managed to switch realities with Trevor.

    A friends of Heather's since the 5th grade.
    If not for this guy's extreme imagination, Heather's drawing skills might have dwindled into nothing.
    Currently in the story line he's having a bit of fun in a circus that is somehwere in Lil Josh's house.
    Somehow, despite this fact he is able to manage his own website at Panther's Eye's Lair.
Emperor Turnip

    The proud leader of the Glorious Turnip Dynasty.
    Recently he's been "busy" trying to prevent an invasion reported by Squeek while dealing with the "death" of his friend.
Empress Daicon

    Turnips devoted wife.
    If it weren't for the fact the she was a she many people may get the idea that she's in control of the relationship between her and her husband, but she's a chick in samurai times. Nothing like that ever happens.
    An interesting fact about her is that she is almost always the first to disban any blame on those non-existant ninja.
Geisha Mouse

    One of Marsha's fellow geisha.
    She's worked the Fluffy Love Geisha House for several Years, but even with all of the samurai that she's met, she still longs for a true love.

    Generic Friend Number 3
    No one knows what happened to 1 and 2, but few even bother to question it.
    allthough it doesn't always show she can sometimes be the most level headed of the entire group.
    Special skills = pouting till she gets her way... this doesn't usually work, but it's deffinitly one of her skills.
Heather (Dragonmun)

    The crazy chick who woke up one day and proclaimed that she wanted to start a webcomic.
    She successfully kept at it for a little while, but then broke down to pleading with her boyfriend Justin to start writting the scirpts.
    She is addicted to Dr. Pepper as can be indiicated by the black and white comics she draws.

    Ninja Master of Disguise.
    Her is one of the most feared ninja in the carrot pack. She's Swift, silent, agile, and an excellent swordsman. Her red eyes also tend to send shivers down the spines of her fellow ninja, save for the Master. He's large enough that he can sit on her and kill her.
    Her Also happens to have a sword that pissed of Mushroom, but doesnt' care... the strange thing is that she hasn't been observed carrying it around lately... maybe she lost it.

    Boy he looks angry...
    What's his problem?
    Hungry attacked Heather while she was wokring on the various section of the store and after a long and grueling battle he somehow wound up finding his way into Lil Josh's circus.

    The Mind Flayer ( © D&D ) that guards Lil Josh's doorway.
    Somehow He/She/It developed a likeing for Chris and led him astray from the rest of the group... which might have been benificial had they not run into Hungry.
Lil Josh

    Another walking enigma.
    With a cool hat!
    Lil Josh is famous for his random ramblings, some of which can be found at Final Journey. His short stories are all something that must be read.

    Heather's Boyfriend for over 4 years.
    He is the master mind behind Samurai Mushroom, as explained in the very frist comic. Despite this though he did not actually write scripts until the fight with Mushroom and Her.
    Justin's creative mind has lead him into many interesting role-playing games and after much playing and learning of how table-top role-playing systems work, he's now developing one of his own.
    Also, If Kevin can't be gotten ahold of, He is the one to contact about Video games.

    Heather's Slightly younger brother.
    A video game genious, who unfortunatly gets a bit angrey if things don't go his way.
    Sometimes padded walls and a nice white coat seem to be a good idea... so far it seems the only thing that this reincarnation of Houdini can't get out of.

    Mushrooms, geisha mistriss and lover.
    This sweet marshmellow totaly adores her Samurai Hero, and gets quite excited when he comes to visit her.
    What she doesn't know is that there is someone else out there who has set their eyes on her.

    A friend that Heather had first met in highschool, but reunited with her again in college.
    Miz is a prodigy in her selection of music... it's absolutly amazing. Who Knew that the 80's contained such awesome stuff?

    One of the few Samurai That can lay claim to being the student of the great Musashi Mushroom.
    Mushroom is part of a long lineage of noble samurai... unfortunatly he tends to be ummm... stupid at times.
The Ninja Master

    As the leader of the ninja and one of the largest things around he tends to scare many of his followers into submissions. Unfortunatly he tends to kill of those with brains that question his motives.

    Another cool person who frequents the forums.
    It is unknown how he managed to get that cool jet of his, but it is known that he's not telling.
    He is also a gifted author and poet. Some of his stuff can be found Here.
Ghengis Prawn

    A captain who has lost his crew, but is still determined to reach his goal with the help of a new "friend".

    The legendary peasent turned samurai.
    He was the one who spotted the oncoming invasion and alerted the empire to it's existance.
    He was also smart enough to avoid being the chosen champion to bring this new threat down.

    He who gets stuck in strange situations.
    It may be the food he's eating, but Trevor has been known to get into some strange stuff... like his adventure into the world of color.
    His current situation is unknown, but the word "boom" describes his last known whereabouts pretty well.

Updates on Mondays and Fridays at noon
Samurai Mushroom is copyright © Heather Gorlitz and Justin Scott